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A very cute and charming little platform game.

I wasn't a fan of the only being able to carry 1 item and having a dedicated drop button. I randomly "dropped" aka destroyed items more than once rather than put it in the cauldron which is kinda annoying.

Considering your a solo dev who learned how to do all of this in such a short time that's amazing. I could NOT do that. You should be proud of your accomplishment!

Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback! The 'drop' button has haunted me through the whole project and broke the game more times than i can remember.  Hopefully going to nail it in the next few days!

Cute game! I like it! The music is well done, the jump sound effect could be tuned down a bit. Well done, you should be proud! :)

Cute style! movement is a tiiiiny bit slippery but its charming

Super cool! I love the idea of seeing a friend and then making a "shopping list" of how to save them. Really nice job!